2017-02-09_0025Something different…a Carnival themed wedding!

Beau and Henry were first recommended to me by the editor of Velvet Magazine. They were planning on running a feature showcasing their carnival themed wedding, and needed some amazing wedding photos to illustrate the day.
As soon as we met it was obvious that Henry and Beau were both very creative. They were planning something really special, and as Beau reeled off a list of her carnival themed wedding ideas I was feeling more and more excited.

A small ceremony at Sheene Mill

The day started at Sheene Mill, where Beau and Henry had an intimate ceremony for close friends and family. Beau did all the flowers for the day herself. These were beautifully co-ordinated with Hotel Chocolat wedding favours.

Henry looked amazing in a bright red suit and customised button hole. This consisted of a a daushound ( of which they have 2) and Homer Simpson! They have three dogs in total, Nacho, Chopper and Arnie (Henry’s a big Arnie fan), and of course they were all in attendance. In suits. Yes, this wedding had dogs in suits! (as any good carnival themed wedding should)  To be fair, they didn’t last long, but I have the photos to prove it!

After the ceremony and and wedding breakfast, the newly wed couple stayed behind for a photo shoot in the beautiful gardens of Sheene Mill. Beau made for an absolutely stunning bride in her white and pink dip dyed wedding dress, complimented with Vivienne Westwood shoes! The dogs got involved and we ended up with some really fun and creative wedding photos. With these guys it was all about a fun and relaxed approach.


Carnival Time!

The 2nd part of the day was where things got a little crazy. A carnival themed wedding really needs a carnival, and where better than your own back garden? In this case the back garden was a huge field, but you get the idea..

So as I arrive I can see a massive red and blue stripped big top on the brow of a hill. A huge crowd is gathered and the music is pumping. Looking round things get even more awesome. At the bottom of the hill is a full size fairground carousel and dodgems! Oh, and a candy floss machine and hot dog stall for good measure.

Getting out of Dodge.

Just then the guy’s rock up in the wedding car, a vintage Dodge charger! This was such an epic scene and an opportunity that I couldn’t miss. A few hours later I stood them by the car and shot a series of amazing wedding photos as the sun was setting, the type of creative wedding photography that I love.

Super Wedding Ideas + World’s coolest couple = Amazing Wedding Photos

Beau had really gone to town bringing her carnival themed wedding ideas to life.  She had personally sculpted a pair of 10ft tall fibreglass gargoyles, created fantastic paper mache carnival themed table decorations and a myriad of other circus and carnival inspired touches. The guests also chipped in with some unique wedding presents. A custom made Batman wood burner. A bespoke latex Arnie mask. Incredible stuff!

Let Me Entertain You!

The entertainment came thick and fast! There was never a dull moment. Fairground rides, stilt walkers, fire eaters, fireworks, two bands and a flambouyant first dance, it was non stop action. Speaking of bands, Henry is in his own heavy metal band and this was the theme of the evening entertainment..

A Whole Lotta DC..

…provided the musical back drop for the nights festivities, a cover band of AC/DC, and I was seriously impressed. The night was like a full on rave and everyone was absolutely loving it! I came away with some of the most amazing wedding photos I’ve taken, but then this was the most amazing wedding I’ve been to.

When the groom ends up on the best mans shoulders, with a KFC bucket on his head, and a man with a guitar is getting naked on stage, you know its been a good one…..
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2017-02-09_0021Vintage carnival themed wedding photo of dodge wedding car with bride and groom2017-02-09_00222017-02-09_00232017-02-09_00292017-02-09_00302017-02-09_0032Amazing wedding photos of bride and groom at carnival themed wedding2017-02-09_00352017-02-09_00362017-02-09_00442017-02-09_00412017-02-09_0042


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